Provide a Christian Family
Matthew 25 House, Inc. provides a Christian family environment to former inmates. It establishes a warm and wholesome atmosphere which most of the residents have never experienced. Scripture study, regular worship services, and daily prayers are an important rhythm of the men’s twelve month tenure, helping foster stability and positive values.
Provide a Church and a
Sense of Belonging
Each of the men living in the house will become members of a different, Ames church for up to twelve months. Members of the congregation transport the resident to and from services each Sunday and adopt him into church activities. In friendship, they will continue alongside him the whole year. Each resident will meet regularly with a mentor from his church for help with financial and spiritual matters. This church will become his church home and the church members will be like his family.
Provide Released Men with a
Spiritual and Faith based Lifestyle.
Eligible men are former inmates. Requirements are strict: no drugs, no alcohol, no in-house smoking, and no cars for the first six months. Residents will eat together as often as possible, meet curfew hours, maintain employment, meet regularly with the resident director and meet with assigned mentors.
To Provide A Base
Needed for Success.
Each man pays a fixed amount to cover his costs of food and housing. He must also share in house and yard chores. While maintaining employment, he will develop social and spiritual networks. When his tenancy is complete, his vacancy will be filled.
“He will leave with a new family, new friends, new skills, and a strong church affiliation; he will be a witness to the healing power of Christ.”
What is the Cost?
All residents are required to work and pay a fixed monthly rent that helps cover food, and normal housing cost. The rent paid is a fraction of the cost that one would pay for housing for an efficiency apartment. Some of these men will struggle to find meaningful employment that will provide them income above the current poverty level. It is reassuring that Matthew 25 House has been purchased and is debt free. The Matthew 25 House is funded by contributions from local Churches, individuals, trust, and other organizations. All of the funds received go directly to provide services to the men living in the house.
What Can I Do to Help?
First and foremost, please remember this program in you daily prayers. Matthew 25 House is completely supported through the generosity of local people, churches, and businesses. A non-profit organization, it holds 501(c)3 status with the Internal Revenue Service so all financial donations are tax deductible. Ways you can assist includes: job coaching, employment opportunities, resume writing, academic tutoring, home repair work, providing transportation, and donating supplies and furniture.
We See the Dignity of Christ in All People
Matthew 25 House focuses on the way Jesus purposely walked in the midst of the outcasts, the burdened, the crippled, and the sinful. Just as Christ associated with tax collectors, prostitutes and “undesirables”, we believe that we must accept those around us as our own brothers and sisters. We then reach out to these troubled brothers and point them to the way of hope and a new life with Jesus.